Feeling Better Today


That was quick.  I’m feeling much better, less than 24 hours after sending my prayer request.  Thank you for praying.

I slept most of yesterday and all last night.

Thank you all for the advice too about how to deal with the water, cleaning my food and what to eat and not to eat.  I’m learning…

I appreciate all the feedback and encouragement.

Here’s a picture of today’s lunch.  A melon.

Today's Lunch

I’m Sick to My Stomach

I’d like to request prayer.

The food I’ve been eating either caught up to me or I ate a bad batch.  I usually eat beef Kebab (beef), Naan (bread) and rice for lunch and fruit for breakfast and dinner.

This is a Kebab meal that I shared with Masssy & Schuib.  This is what my lunch normally looks like.

Kebab, Rice and Naan Meal

I’m sick to my stomach.  I was up all night (in the bathroom).  Now my back aches like crazy.  I had very little sleep last night.

Naturally I’d like to feel better, QUICKLY.

This is where we buy the Kebab. Click on the photo and you will see the “cook” in front of the store “cooking” Kebab.

Kebab Restaurant/Store

I won’t bother sending you a picture of my bathroom.  🙂

Thanks for praying.


Hi From Afghanistan

This is an email that I sent out today.  I probably missed some people.  Sorry.

Hi from Afghanistan,

I’ve been here since the beginning of August.  I’m writing this message to a group of friends.  In my last message my prayer requests were related to my safety and my work.  I’m happy to report that God has kept me safe and my work has gone well.

That was the short intro….  If you have time, read on.  If you have even more time, write back – please.

Now for the details — I will recap for those who have just joined my adventure.

I’m in Afghanistan, without the family, working as a VSAT technician.  Basically I’m installing VSAT satellite dishes which provide communications to remote sites in and outside of Afghanistan.  The communications provide Internet connectivity.  Additionally I’m installing and supporting local area networks (LANs) which are attached to the VSAT terminals.  I’ve attached a neat image which may help you understand what I’m doing.

I was originally contracted to work in Iraq for 2 months, but at the last second I was asked to go to Afghanistan for the 1st month and Iraq the 2nd.  Two weeks after arriving in Afghanistan the owner of the company which I work for asked me to be the interim manager for Afghanistan.  What this means is that I should not have to go on to Iraq.  This is actually a big relief since I’ve learned the threat levels are different between Afghanistan and Iraq.  The levels are measured from 1 to 5 (5 being extremely dangerous).  Presently Afghanistan is level 3 and Iraq is level 5.

I’ve not written an update like this for over a week since I’ve been answering many questions from friends, individually.  I will try to reiterate my answers for the sake of everyone.

I’m living in a regular house.  The house doubles as my office.  I have two Afghan nationals who work with/for me.  Masssy and Schuib.  Both are in their early 20s.  Both are Muslim.  BTW, they know that I’m a Christian.  We discuss spiritual things every day or so.  I’m trying to be a good listener first and second I’m waiting for them to ask me questions about me, being a Christian and all.  This approach has gone very well.

Schuib & Massy

Schuib & Masssy





Anyway, Masssy is my driver/interpreter and Schuib is house/office logistics.  Both have technical skills which have proven very useful.  They’ve been doing this work for the company for a couple of years and overall this kind of work in the area for 5 years.  Talk about getting started young.

I trust Masssy and Schuib.  I’m grateful that we are getting along very well.  That is huge blessing.

I was homesick real bad around the 15th.  After counsel from my family I felt much better.  The biggest part of it all was that when my Afghan helpers went home after work I was basically alone.  I’m not used to being alone.  For safety reasons I’m unable to leave the house, alone.  I live in a regular Afghan house in a regular Afghan neighborhood.  I’d like to get out and meet people, but that would be unwise.  I can’t afford the chance of someone turning me into the xxxxxx for money.  I’m grateful for good neighbors.  I’ve been told they won’t turn me in.  Additionally I’m glad the house has a 10′ wall around it.  This makes it hard(er) for the neighbors to actually see me (to see me alone).  Again, unfortunately I can’t interact with my neighbors.  I’ve been reading the Bible, praying and studying more about VSAT.  Additionally I’m able to listen to Bible teachers via the Internet.  BTW, I get electricity from a small generator and have Internet access via VSAT.  My neighbors get electricity only when the city decides to turn on the electricity.  When it is on, it’s only for 4-7 hours, at night (every other day, or so).  Sorry, I got off subject.  I’m feeling much better now.  I also have been able to use Skype (a free Internet video chat service) to talk with my family and friends.  Let me know if you want to chat via Skype.

When it comes to interacting with the nationals, I do have opportunities to talk with Afghans at my customer sites.  But we pretty much only talk about the service(s) which I’m providing.  I’ve mostly interacted with Afghanistan & US military.  Some of the Afghans know English.  I can’t see myself presenting the Gospel, directly, in the short time that I’m here.  But what I’ve been told is that I’m not like any other American that they’ve met.  I hope that I can reflect what a true Christian is to the people that I come in contact with.

Please reply with comments and questions.  Please consider praying for me and my family.  The biggest prayer requests are my safety and my ability to do the work that I’m here for.  I’d like to show the people, which I come in contact with, what a genuine Christian is.

PS – I’m putting together a blog.  I want to share my family’s life with you.  I’ve put off doing a blog in the past because I’ve been considering the pros and cons of using my full name in a blog (with my children’s names, and pictures, etc.).  I think I will make a blog that uses only our first names (to begin with).  Do you have an opinion about this?  Let me know, please.  Thank you.  Also, do you have a blog??

[Update – I have this blog – I’m avoiding using last names]

PPS – I attached one photo of me – I had to dress this way for a major US air force base that I went to.  This was a light weight bullet proof vest and a not-so light weight helmet.  I do not dress this way normally. 🙂

Bullet Proof?

Bullet Proof?

7,752 miles or 12,475 kilometers

Afghanistan is 7,752 miles (12,475 kilometers) from Phoenix.

Friday in Afghanistan (Video)

Wow, I looked tired in this video.  The audio is very quiet (sorry).  My neighbors did not yell at me for looking over the wall (brief as it was).

Update from Afghanistan

My last week has gone as follows

Monday – got call to come out to Afghanistan
Tuesday – shopped for clothes and packed
Wednesday – Flew to Washington, began training/overview
Thursday – Got my CAC card, more training
Friday – Even more training
Sat & Sun- Flew to Amsterdam, then to Dubai (did not sleep for 2 days)
Monday – got my Afghan visa (without any problems)
Tuesday – Flew to Afghanistan, starting working
Wed – Going to big/important customer site to fix problems

Previous Prayer Requests

– Safety for me and my family.
– I’m already feeling overwhelmed with everything & everybody that I need in a short period of time.
– Logistics coming into Afghanistan (smooth, without a hitch)

Thank you for praying for me and my family.  We continue to be safe.  I’m not feeling as overwhelmed with everything.  Traveling to Afghanistan including getting my visa went like clock work.  Not one problem.

Today I will be going to a customer site that needs some stuff fixed.  God willing these issues will be resolved.

Side Note – Security in this area is rated as a 3.  The most severe is considered a 5.  Iraq is a 5.

Prayer Request(s)

Wisdom/Knowledge and Understanding – The work that I need to do seems to be outside my skill set.  However, I’m trusting God to help me catch on quick and excel.

Tolerance – I was told to expect to get dirty, which I have not problem with that,, however I did not expect the inside of the house I’m living in to be so dirty. I’m rolling with it as much as possible.  So far I’m handling the heat fine.  No AC in the car or the house that I live in.  I’m thankful for fans and screened windows.

Dubai Hotel Room (1 week old beard)

Dubai Hotel Room (1 week old beard)

Plane to Kabul

Plane to Kabul

Meal on plane (Can you identify the scramble eggs and the non-meat sausage link?)

Meal on plane (Can you identify the scrambled eggs and the non-meat sausage link?)

Kabul Airport (Welcome to Afghanistan)

Kabul Airport (Welcome to Afghanistan)

Schiphol in Legos

On display at the Schiphol aiport was this model in legos.

In Holland Airport

Here I am trying to get access to the internet via the airport wireless connection.  I found a nice little corner on the ground where I could use the computer and get electricity. Not a very good picture, but the best I could do for taking my own pic. 🙂

Wireless in Holland Airport

Wireless in Holland Airport

Leaving Saturday for Afghanistan – Need Prayer

This week has been a whirlwind.

I’m now in Washington state getting a quick overview of procedures and technology at JPI’s headquarters.  I plan to leave for Afghanistan Saturday.

JP & I in front of the JPI office. I’m growing a beard for the adventure ahead…

JP & Mark

Because of confidentiality reasons I’m not allowed to discuss the specifics of my work including the locations of my work.  So bear with me if I’m vague about my work.  I will be providing technical support in Afghanistan (no VSAT installations, as far as I know), but I need to be up to speed with what JPI does in Afghanistan ASAP.

The Ladies of JPI Headquarters

The Ladies of JPI Headquarters

Thank you for praying for my passport and access card.
– It only took only 8 days to get my new passport
– Yesterday I was approved for a DOD CAC card (common access card).  It took 2 hours to get approved.

New prayer requests –

Short Version –

Safety for me and my family.
I’m already feeling overwhelmed with everything & everybody that I need in a short period of time.
Logistics coming into Afghanistan (smooth, without a hitch)

Long Version –

I’m feeling overwhelmed with all the different procedures and technology.  In 2 days we have quickly reviewed the JPI technology & procedures manual (300+ pages).  I’m not sure what we are going to be doing Friday, but it’s my last day before shipping out.  I hope I can quickly grasp what I need to know and excel in that knowledge (not just get by).  Security procedures are the most critical to understand.

The logistics for getting into Afghanistan have been worked out by JPI.  However it’s a tight & precise plan that I need to follow.  I need to be at certain places at certain times to request a visa for Afghanistan.  There is not much room for mistakes or delays.

Well it’s 9:00p and I’m exhausted.  I need to go to bed.  I got up at 3:30a and could not go back to sleep.

Leaving for Afghanistan (in 2 days)

JPI asked me to leave ASAP for Afghanistan.  They said I’m needed to fill in for the Afghanistan manager the first month of my contract and then go to Iraq my second month.

I need to quickly sow things up at home.  JPI wants me to come to Washington for training in the next 2 days.